Simple Guide to Stress-Free Christmas Cards

Can you believe it’s December already? Despite all the warm holiday fuzzies, these last few weeks of the year often end up hectic, busy, and overbooked. There are so many things to do and experience: decorate the house, cut down the tree, purchase and wrap gifts for your ever-growing list of friends and family, bake cookies, finish outstanding projects at work, attend holiday parties, prepare the house for guests. And so it goes.

For years, Brandon and I struggled to get holiday cards mailed in time. With a hefty address book filled with friends and business contacts, we often found ourselves with a stack of unaddressed envelopes and no stamps just days before Christmas. Hello, unwanted stress!

This year, cards were ordered, addressed, sealed, and stamped by the end of November, which means they’ll be gracing our friends’ fridges and entryways all December long!

Now I’m sharing my process so Christmas cards can be the easiest task you check off your list.

Christmas cards bring joy to the recipient and are a fun way to reflect on the ups and downs you experienced this past year. I love displaying beautiful photos of friends, family, coworkers, and contacts, knowing each person spent time, energy, and money to add us to their list.


What’s Inside This Free Guide?

- A simple process for streamlined, stress-free cards

- Pro tips that are easy to implement

- Printer-friendly checklist

- Interactive list of card resources